Floor Cleaning/Scrubbing/Buffing
Minimium Area: 1000 Sft.
All types of marble, sandstone, granite, tiles (cement tiles, wooden tiles, and mosaic flooring).
₹4- ₹5
Minimium Area: 800 Sft.
All polished stone surfaces, including Kota, decorative cemented KG tiles, granite, Italian marble, white marble, mosaic, and imported marble flooring.
₹6- ₹10
Minimium Area: 500 Sft.
All types of flooring, such as Kota, granite, Italian marble, cemented KG tiles, white marble, mosaic, and imported marble.
₹10- ₹15
Minimium Area: 300-400 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including Kota, granite, Italian, Katni, Corian, mosaic, black, white, and green marble, as well as cemented KG tiles, and more.
₹15- ₹20
Diamond Marble Floor Polishing With Good-Shine
Minimium Area: 250 Sft.
All types of marble flooring, including Kota, Italian, Katni, granite, Corian, cemented KG tiles, mosaic, black, white, green marble, and more.
₹20- ₹25
Diamond Marble Floor Polishing With Extra-Shine/Gloss
Minimium Area: 200 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including Kota, cemented KG tiles, Italian, granite, Katni, mosaic, Corian, white and green marble, imported marble, and more.
₹25 – ₹30
Diamond Marble Floor Polishing With Super-shine
Minimium Area: 200-250 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including cemented KG tiles, Kota, Italian, granite, mosaic, Katni, Corian, and white, black, and green marble, among others.
₹30 – ₹35
Diamond Floor Polishing with Epoxy
Minimium Area: 300 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including Kota, mosaic, terrazzo, Italian, granite, Khareda Sandstone, KG cemented tiles, Katni, imported marble, and white and green marble, among others.
₹40 – ₹50
Diamond Polishing with Epoxy and Nano-coating
Minimium Area: 300 Sft.
All polishable stone and tile surfaces, including Kota, Italian, terrazzo, granite, Katni, KG tiles, mosaic, and black, white, and green marble, among others.
₹65 – ₹75
Silicate Polishing with Epoxy
Minimium Area: 400 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including Kota, mosaic, terrazzo, Italian, granite, Khareda Sandstone, KG cemented tiles, Katni, imported marble, and white and green marble, among others.
₹60 – ₹70
Silicate Polishing with Epoxy and Nano-coating
Minimium Area: 700 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including terrazzo, white and green marble, imported marble, Italian, granite, Kota, KG cemented tiles, mosaic, Katni, and more.
₹75 – ₹85
Silicate Marble Polishing with Nano-coating
Minimium Area: 600 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including imported marble, Italian, terrazzo, white and green marble, granite, Kota, KG cemented tiles, mosaic, Katni, and more.
₹65 – ₹75
Wall Marble Diamond Re-Polishing
Minimium Area: 100-200 Sft.
All types of marble walls, including mosaic, terrazzo, Torrento marble, granite, Statuario, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, and other imported marbles, and more.
₹30 – ₹40
Wall Marble Honing & Diamond Polishing
Minimium Area: 100-150 Sft.
All types of polished marble floors, including imported marble, Italian, terrazzo, white and green marble, granite, Kota, KG cemented tiles, mosaic, Katni, and more.
₹60 – ₹90
Any type of sandstone
Minimium Area: 100-150 Sft.
Sandstone comes in various grades and types, including gray sandstone, Khareda sandstone, carbonate-cemented sandstone, crystallized sandstone, hard sandstone, and more.
₹10 – ₹90
Corian Surface Sanding & Polishing
Minimium Area: 300 Sft.
All types of Corian surfaces, including Corian tabletops, Corian kitchen tops, Corian countertops, Corian reception tabletops, Corian bar countertops, Hotel Corian tops, Corian bathroom counters, and more.
₹60 – ₹90
Onyx Stone Honing & Diamond Polishing
Minimium Area: 100-150 Sft.
Onyx is used for various purposes and applications, including TV cabinet counters, dining tabletop, bathroom counters, temple walls, and more.
₹60 – ₹90
Wooden Floor Cleaning & Polishing
Minimium Area: 450-550 Sft.
All types of wooden floor cleaning and polishing, including solid hardwood floors, engineered wood floors, laminate floors, and more.
₹10 – ₹15
Tile Cleaning & Polishing
Minimium Area: 300-500 Sft.
Tiles come with a factory-finished gloss, but due to construction and renovation, they require cleaning and polishing.
₹5 – ₹15
Granite Cleaning & Polishing
Minimium Area: 500 Sft.
Granite typically have a factory-finished gloss, but due to construction and renovation, they often require cleaning and polishing. In some cases, granite may also need grinding to restore its smoothness and shine.